Using a projector is a great way to get digital content off a small screen.
From small pico laser projectors through to £70,000 mega projectors, I use them especially when it’s possible to use the advantages they possess.

Projections look great on mixed interesting textiles, and in 3D spaces, and onto different shapes and surfaces.
I’ve used them to great effect with my own Projection Mapping software which I have created using C++ and built on over the years; adding public interactive webcam and kinect 3D functions as well as all sorts of special effects.

I’ve projected over the top of existing paintings using my projection mapping software to align the media to the real life material. This painting is at my local music venue, using a raspberry pi to do the mapping.

Working with the amazing artist, Jim Sanders, I 3D scanned the masks he had made, and created visual effects to then project over the top of 2D images of the masks; creating 3D movement and shape.