Riverwalk and Chiltern iPad apps with DMX model lighting control

An app for iPad for Heron – with Inition.

Project manager and developer using Adobe Air, Flash, Actionscript.
The app is a visual tool to allow exploration of properties for sale for a major developer. The property sales company using this iPad app to help clients choose and visualise their property.

As an alternative to being developed in Unity3D, this app required lots of 2D user interaction, swiping and navigating around images and data of apartments – using Flash with Actionscript and Air for easy CMS and 2D interactions.

See below for posts relating to : Riverwalk and Chiltern iPad apps with DMX model lighting control


    Project Manager & Software DeveloperNov 2013 – Dec 2014Shoreditch, LondonLeading a team on cutting edge bespoke applications. Project management, Unity3D development, C#, C++, Unity3D plugin development. OpenCV, OpenFrameworks, Polhemus motion capture. Inition are an innovative experientials company based in Shoreditch. I worked for them in a long term contract capacity from November 2013 through to Inition

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    Glastonbury 2009-2023

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    Motion Tracking

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    Internet Of Things

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    Swire Hong Kong Pacific Place 3D Navigation

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    Motion capture and time synched animation.The Skeledance is a choreographed dance routine in Copperdollar’s ‘Back of Beyond’ at Glastonbury.Our Day of the Dead performers flank the projection of a skeleton performing the same dance. We manage to get the whole dance floor participating!Introduced to Glastonbury in 2015, I used a Kinect2 to motion capture a performer doing Skeledance


    With Inition, I made software to read RFID tags in objects which the users could reposition.Positioning these objects would further a displayed story.C#, Unity3D

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    Magic Mirror – Rain

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