I heard that the sars covid-19 genome has around 30k nucleotides and mentioned to a friend that therefore you could fit the entire covid RNA data onto an old floppy disk! He disbelieved me and we bet a pint so I had to take a look a little further….

I found the genome data published (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/MN908947.3), and thought it would be fun to visualise the data as an image.

Here it is! 29,811 pixels representing the 4 different nucleotides which I coloured, (A)adenine = white, (C)cytosine = red, (G)guanine = green, (T)thymine = blue.
All of the data for covid in an image 173×173 pixels of 4 colours…

I’ve also learnt that covid uses compression for its rna, (as does the human dna) similar idea to JPEG’s 🙃

There’s markers which specify how to unpack and interpret the code, like headers in computer code!

I was going to make an image of the human genome for comparison but yeah, the download for the raw data was >900GB…

It would be cool if we could use machine learning to reverse engineer the compression.. it’ll be far superior to any jpeg 🙂

Also whilst in lockdown, I joined a facebook group called ‘Recreate artworks with things you find at home’, and enjoyed contributing my own Escher piece!